Política de privacidad

  1. Inicio
  2. Política de privacidad

Como empresa que suministra productos utilizados en la atención médica y la dispensación de medicamentos, TOSHO Inc. reconoce la importancia del manejo adecuado de la información personal en cumplimiento de las leyes relacionadas con la protección de la información personal (Ley n.º 57, Ley de protección de la información personal, 2003) en las operaciones comerciales. TOSHO busca proteger la información personal basándose en la siguiente política.

1. TOSHO cumplirá con las leyes, reglamentos y otras normas pertinentes, utilizando el marco del SGSI (Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información), y establecerá mecanismos para la protección y el manejo adecuado de la información personal. TOSHO también tomará las medidas necesarias y apropiadas, tales como el establecimiento de un sistema de implementación para el control de la seguridad.

2. Adquisición y uso de información personalLa información personal se adquirirá por los medios adecuados, incluyendo la información por adelantado del objetivo detrás del uso de dicha información personal, y el uso de dicha información personal dentro del alcance requerido para lograr dicho objetivo.

3Gestión adecuada de la información personalTOSHO gestionará adecuadamente la información personal y tomará las medidas necesarias y adecuadas de control de seguridad para prevenir y corregir riesgos, como el acceso no autorizado, pérdida, destrucción, alteración, filtración, etc. de la información personal. Además, se llevará a cabo la supervisión necesaria y adecuada de los empleados y contratistas que manejen información personal.

4. Contador de quejas y consultasEn caso de que una persona solicite la divulgación, corrección, suspensión del uso o eliminación, etc. de su información personal, TOSHO atenderá sin demora la solicitud tras confirmar la identidad de la persona de acuerdo con los procedimientos especificados. Además, cualquier queja o consulta de la persona afectada en relación con el tratamiento de la información personal se tramitará rápida y adecuadamente.

Divulgaciones relacionadas con la protección de datos personales

Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Personal information acquired by TOSHO shall be used within the scope of the following purposes. In cases where the purpose of use of the personal information is individually notified and indicated at the time of acquisition, then such purpose of use shall apply. In cases where such personal information is used beyond the scope of the following purposes, consent from the concerned individual shall be obtained in advance in an appropriate manner.

1. Acquisition and Use/Purpose of Use of Personal Information
1) Personal information obtained from customers
① Personal information provided by our customers from questionnaires during exhibitions or obtained at our showrooms shall be used to provide a wide range of information regarding our products and services to our customers.
② Personal information provided from customers while implementing work entrusted by the customer shall be used within the scope of the purpose of the work implemented.
③ Personal information entered into the inquiry form of TOSHO’s website shall be used to answer any inquiries and to handle customer requests.
2) Personal information of applicants for employment acquired during recruitment activitiesPersonal information acquired during recruitment activities shall be used to contact applicants (as well as to provide information regarding interview times, interview results, etc.) and as reference material.
3) Personal information provided by our customersAs a general rule, personal information provided by our customers shall not be recorded on equipment, systems, etc. Only in cases where instructions and approval from the customer have been obtained, shall personal information be used within the said scope after clearly identifying the purpose of use based on Company rules.
Also, safety control is carried out to prevent leak, destruction or damage of information. Once the purpose has been achieved, the information shall be immediately destroyed or returned.
4) Published personal informationPersonal information published on our website, etc. shall be used for business purposes such as providing guidance on our products and services.

2. Sharing Personal InformationAcquired personal information may be shared with our group companies. In such cases, TOSHO shall be responsible for the management of the personal information.
1) Personal information items that are sharedFull name, affiliation information (company name, department etc.), address, telephone number, email address.
2) Purpose of sharing personal informationPersonal information of our employees, personal information of employment applicants, etc. collected during recruitment activities shall be used to achieve the purpose as notified or announced at the time of information collection.
3) Scope of joint usersTOSHO Holdings Inc.
3-8-8 Higashi-Kojiya, Ohta-ku, Tokyo
4) Acquisition methodDocuments, electronic data, etc.

3. Management of Personal Information and Safety Control Measures
1) Personal information shall not be disclosed or provided to a third party without the consent of the concerned individual, except in the following cases.
① In cases where handling of personal information is based on laws and regulations
② In cases where personal information is needed for the protection of life, physical body or wealth of the individual and obtaining consent from the concerned individual is difficult
③ In cases where cooperation with a national or local government organization and/or organizations/individuals entrusted by such in order to carry out work stipulated by laws and regulations and consent from the concerned individual may hinder execution of said work
2) Regarding safety control of personal information, TOSHO shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations and other norms related to the protection of personal information, properly manage and prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leak etc. of such personal information, and take any other necessary and appropriate safety control measures.

4. Entrusting the Handling of Personal InformationTOSHO may entrust, either in full or in part, the handling of personal information within the scope needed to achieve the purpose of use of such personal information. In such cases, TOSHO shall thoroughly review the eligibility of the contractor, stipulate confidentiality obligations in the contract, and supervise the contractor as necessary and appropriate.

5. Disclosure of Personal InformationWhen an individual requests disclosure of his/her personal information, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, confirmation that such request has been made by either the concerned individual or his/her representative shall be carried out, after which prompt disclosure of requested information shall be provided to the concerned individual (in cases where such personal information does not exist, notification to that effect shall be provided). Notwithstanding, this shall not apply in cases where disclosure is not mandated under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations. In addition, please note that a handling fee (1,000 yen per item) shall be charged for the disclosure of personal information.

6. Correction, Use Suspension, etc. of Personal Information
1) When an individual requests correction of personal information details in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and excluding cases where special procedures have been set in accordance with the stipulations of other laws and regulations, and after confirmation that such request has been made by the concerned individual, the necessary review shall be promptly carried out. Based on the results of the review, either correction or suspension of the use of the personal information shall be determined and the concerned individual shall be duly notified.
2) When an individual requests use suspension or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “use suspension, etc.”) of personal information, with the reason that such personal information has been handled beyond the scope of the purpose use announced in advance or that such personal information has been obtained through fraudulent means, the necessary review shall be promptly carried out. Based on the results of the review, TOSHO shall implement use suspension, etc. of personal information and notify the said individual of such effect. Notwithstanding, in cases where use suspension, etc. of the personal information will incur a large expense or use suspension, etc. of the personal information is difficult to implement, and alternative measures which can protect the rights and interests of such individual are available, then such alternative measures may be implemented.

7. CookiesIn some cases, cookies are used to improve our website. Cookies are not used to collect personal information from customers or to track and identify individuals.

8. Additional InformationThe contents of this policy shall be reviewed as needed to respond to changes in the laws, regulations and other rules. In an effort to implement such improvements, this policy is subject to change without notice.

9. Inquiry DeskRegarding any comments, questions, complaints, and inquires related to handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address or by telephone.

[Mostrador de información]
TOSHO Inc. Mostrador de información personal
Dirección: 3-8-8 Higashi-Kojiya, Ohta-ku, Tokio
Teléfono: +81-3-3745-0790
Horario de recepción: Días laborables de 09:00 a 17:00

Establecido el 31 de marzo de 2005
Revisado el 31 de marzo de 2022
Revisado el 31 de mayo de 2023
Presidente y CEO Yoshihito Omura